Eating out has become part of modern eating patterns and the Foodservice Industry has been developing rapidly all over Europe. With nearly 1/5th of the global foodservice market, Europe is the second pole of consumption in the world after North America with annual average expenditure reaching 800€ per inhabitant.
With 17% of meals consumed out-of-home on average in the 10 countries analyzed in this report, the economic issues of the foodservice market in Europe are important for market operators as they represent great opportunities for food and beverage producers, distributors, contract catering groups, restaurant chains and other kind of foodservice groups.
The economic crisis that the market had to face has accelerated market evolution and adaptation to new consumers' demands. Concepts have been diversifying to respond to the need for more functionality, convenience, fresh, healthy food, ethnic food and more globally the 'eating out experience' … Furthermore, with average expenditure half of the North American one, the European market is showing great potential for further development.
Foodservice markets are very specific by nature and closely linked to each country eating patterns. Companies willing to develop their activities in this sector must have a detailed vision of all of the market mechanisms as the share of structured operators varies from one country to another, as well as the organization of distribution channels
GIRA Foodservice is the leading market research company specialized in the foodservice industry in Europe. It has been carrying out foodservice market studies in European countries for 45 years and propose here a global overview of market evolution throughout 10 major European countries. In each country an in-depth segment analysis is led with a thorough methodology covering the operators, consumers, suppliers and distributors.
This strategic summary on the European market is designed for all foodservice operators that
- have economic interests in Europe
- are willing to develop or reinforce their positions in the European foodservice market
- would like to enter into the foodservice market


For more details: GIRA Foodservice / Tel: 0033 (0)4 50 20 16 35
Virginie PERNIN: